[FIC]Shatter These Walls 1/?

Apr 03, 2012 00:38

So, I was asked by tabby_stardust to post this one on here. It's a WIP, a response to this prompt on the shkinkmeme.

Title: Shatter These Walls
Author: starlightshade
Beta: jg5799
Pairing: Holmes/Watson, Watson/Mary mentioned (which is why I didn't tag it), everything else is up in the air atm.
Spoilers: for both movies.
Rating: NC-17 in the future, right now it's PG
Warnings: Plot. Talking. Flowery prose. Smut for later. More warnings will be given with subsequent chapters.
Prompt:: Watson likes rough sex but doesn't want to hurt Mary. Holmes offers to help out, pretending to like it.
X-posted? Yes.
Disclaimer: No money made. No ownership claimed. Fair use applies.

Hop on over to my journal to read?

character: mary, rating: pg, fanfiction, pairing: watson/holmes, rating: nc-17

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