Fic: "The Goat and the Ram: Part 1" PG

Mar 13, 2012 14:05

Title: The Goat and The Ram: Part 1
Author: moondreams87
Rating: PG
Pairing: Holmes/Watson
Warnings: None, really
Word Count: This part - 4,558
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters herein, they belong to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. This is just the product of an overactive imagination…
Summary: A new ‘folly’ feature makes an appearance in the newspaper, much to Watson’s amusement. Holmes, however, is uncharacteristically stricken by it… 
Author’s Note #1: My first Holmes fic! I’ve no idea where this came from, to be honest, I just ran with it. I have to apologise that it's only part one, I have been trying to write this for months and keep getting distracted. I figure if I post something and maybe people like it, it will give me the kick up the backside I need to finish it! (I have the end complete, it's just that middleyness...)
Author's Note #2: My knowledge of Victorian newspapers is next to nothing so please excuse inaccuracies, I used much artistic license, haha. I also apologise if Holmes is OOC, I am of the belief that Watson is the one person that can make him take leave of his senses and this is basically an illustration of that! Using the commonly attributed birthdays of January 6th for Holmes and March 31st for Watson. Oh, and despite my Tony/Steve fangirly-ness, the mention of a Captain Rogers in this fic was purely unintentional as I wasn't in the fandom when I wrote it, I just left it as is because it amused me. Anyway, hope you like!

Fake cut to journal...

pairing: holmes/watson, rating: pg, genre: preslash, genre: humour, character: mycroft

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