Fanfiction: Names

Feb 06, 2012 20:43

Title: Names
Athour: anne85
Rating: PG
Word Count: 272
Summary: Watson thinks of all the names he's called.
Note:This is my first English Sherlock Holmes fanfic (since I am no native English speaker). It's not very long. I hope you enjoy it! Have fun! :-)
I hope I just did everything right with the tags and so on... o_O

Watson couldn’t remember anybody else just calling him by his last name.

“Johnny, darling would you be so kind and give me the sugar, please!?” His grandmother always called him in this belittlement. But since he had loved her very much, he hadn’t mind it in the slightest.

“Will he make it, Doctor?” Almost every patient he had just called him by his medical degree. He was proud of it, because it showed how much they trust him.

“What do you think was the cause of his death, Dr. Watson?” Lestrade always connected his last name with his medical degree. But this didn’t bother him either, because it was a sign of respect.

“Would you please help me with this parcel, Sir?” The new postboy over at the post building was just asking him kindly for his help. But he didn’t mind the simple Sir, ‘cause it reminded him of his own youth some years ago.

“John, I’m so glad you could make it home earlier” Mary always said his first name with a smile. As if it was the nicest thing to say in the world. It never failed to warm his heart.

But only one person just called him by his last name.
“Watson, I think this time I made a tremendous advancement in the science of technology!”
It always sounded like some special term of endearment.
“I think, my dear friend, this is the key to what I was looking for so long!”

John Watson could just smile. Of all the things he was called, he certainly liked the way his longest friend Sherlock Holmes called him, the most.

character: mary, character: holmes, rating: pg, character: lestrade, character: watson, fanfiction

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