Upcoming Game of Shadow's Trailer

Oct 16, 2011 15:51

Heya everyone. I attended the Scream Awards last night (dressed as movie!Holmes, although I'm pretty sure no one got it) and thought some of you might like a little preview of the new trailer. RDJ was as jaunty as ever (the "acceptance" of his Hero Award was way, way too short).

I was a little overwhelmed by everything, so I can't give a detail by detail analysis, but I do remember these few things.
  • It’s a hybrid of the first trailer with new scenes/shots.
  • More Holmes + Watson in this one.
  • There's a part where Holmes pulls off his fencing mask and acts all snippy with Watson, giving him a "I hardly missed you at all" type of statement (prompting Watson's, "Oh, how I've missed you, Holmes.")
  • Looks like Holmes -- or someone else -- finally got that gun silencer to work.
  • Unless it’s edited weirdly, it appears that several of the scenes from the first trailer where it looked like Holmes was alone he's actually with Watson. After Holmes saves Sim from the assassin, Watson is in the room and she asks both of them who they are. When Holmes is on the boat doing his L’Oreal commercial, Watson is watching him from across the deck.
  • Holmes physically tosses poor Mary from the train (into a body of water) and Watson starts throwing punches.
  • In the train car as they’re rolling around fighting (well, Watson is fighting, Holmes is sort of taking it and explaining that he had it all timed perfectly, damnit!), the bad guys open the door and interrupt them. On top of each other. With Holmes in drag. Yes, it’s just as you imagine it.
  • Gladstone is back!

The Scream Awards air Tuesday October 18th 9/8c on Spike.
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