Title: "ConunDRUM"
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Artist: The Blue Man Group, "Rods and Cones" (no, seriously - it's super geeky, but I think RDJ's Holmes would approve)
Rating: PG-13 (ie. whatever was in the movie is whatever's here)
Pairing(s): Holmes and Watson, gen-ish (?)
Disclaimer: None of this is mine and soon none of it will be yours, too.
Vidder's Notes: "ACTION! Fightykickypunchyfiery ACTION!" This is my first SH09 vid (but not my first video by any stretch). Sort of a POV video from the inside of Holmes' skull at the conclusion of the movie and all the moments that stood out to him most. Or, it could just be a whole lot of pretty moments that are my favorites from the movie. Take your pick! ;D
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Hope you enjoy :D