Fanfiction: Words and Melodies (AU)

Jan 26, 2011 09:19

Title: Words and Melodies (AU)
Author: florfina
Pairing/Characters: Holmes/Watson
Rating: PG13
Word Count: Roughly 7,800
Spoilers: I should think not!
Summary: For the prompt: Nazi!Watson, in spite of what he's been trained to believe, falls in love with Holmes who is a homosexual/Jew/political dissenter/Gypsy/etc. Cue angst and, hopefully, sexy times.
Notes/Warnings: I have reservations about this in regards to accurate terminology when it comes to German ranks/customs. It you see something wrong, please tell me! I am eager to keep this as accurate as possible!

At my journal:

pairing: holmes/watson, fanfiction, rating: pg-13, genre: au

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