Title: Twas The Night Before Christmas With Holmes And The Watsons
Rating: G
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (Canon-based AU) (Could also be seen as '09 Movie AU)
Characters/Pairings: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson/Mary Watson, Shery Watson, William Watson
Word Count: 1,302
Disclaimer: Do not own, do not profit from, do not have any excuse, but do not care.
Spoilers: Um. No?
Warnings: Shmoop, Fluff, Pointless seasonal exploitation of cozy scenes, Ridiculous warnings warning
Original Prompt: "
I know it's last minute, but the malls wouldn't be so damned crowded if everyone did their seasonal shite on time, would they? You know who you are (I'm in that group, too, of course). I don't care what religion or excuse, if any, but tis the season, Ficcers, and I want me some seasonal shmoop. Any verse, any pairing(s), multiples, family or friends, as long as it's love and fun and shmoop and/or smut with a warm seasonal glow. My only real requirement is that it all be happy endings (the sexy kind or not), I want to feel good and I know the awesome ficcers in this KinkMeme are excellent at making that happen. And because I'm asking this at just about the last minute, feel free to take your time - write it toasted on nogg surrounded by a mountain of wrapping paper, whatever works.
Multiple fills - any length - welcome, wanted, will be cuddled and fed cookies. I'mma prolly add a fill of my own, to boot." -
Random_Nexus (Yeah, filled my own prompt, just like I threatened to do)
Summary: It's Christmas Eve, the Watson and Holmes family is being far too cozy and cute at home. Nothing complicated, take your insulin now, this is just nothing but fluffy, pointless shmoop. Srsly.
Author's Notes:
Okay, this was lurking in the back of my mind since a little after Thanksgiving, just this shmoopy, daffily-pointless fluff, but it would not leave and the Muse kept picking it up going 'Ooh, we should play with this, y'know?' and I was all 'YULETIDE, DAMMIT!' and 'DID YOU NOTICE WE'RE DOING NANO?' and 'HELLO, EPIC MEME FILL IN PROGRESS!' But, as I think you all know, the Muse has her own agenda. So... fast forward, the Yuletide is done and posted, Nano is over - though the fic is still in progress - and I'm still working on the epic meme fill, but the pressure of those first two things is off... and here we are, the last afternoon before the Crispmoose holiday weekend. Yeah. I wrote in amongst work. In a show of awesome friendship and bravery in the face of uni homework, the lovely and talented
lunallena_89 did a quick, impromptu beta-stick™ thwacking for me; anything left of suckishness is all my fault. Merry merry, peeps, I hope The Jolly One treats you fine.
Secondary Author's Note: Backstory for the uninformed: Check the tag
SH-threesome-parallel on my LJ - Several previous stories can be found there regarding this AU version of the Holmes/Watson/Watson threesome.
Twas The Night Before Christmas With Holmes And The Watsons....