Title: A Few Of Our Favorite Things
Author: naimu betaed by the lovely rah_rah_ramen but guuuh she made such
awesome additions and such, but i was too lazy to rewrite them all... im horrible! HORRIBLE I TELL YOU!!!! but thank you so much anyways for betaing my pisspoor drabbles~ CHEERS!
Rating: from G to R
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes (2009 movie verse) Holmes/Watson
Disclaimer: Not mine :c I can only aspire to be half as brilliant as the creator and the director.
Summary: A Few of Holmes and Watson consider their favorite things. All separate drabbles! They are not connected.
A/N: for MY Watson (junsu_hyung)… I hope that my little drabbles can bring some kind of joy to your day~ I wish you the best!