Title: Finality: chapter 30a: "Intermezzo"
Author: L. A. Adolf aka enkiduts on LJ and
nodbear (embedded sonnet)
Pairing: eventual Watson/Holmes
Characters: John Watson, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Constable Clark, Mrs Hudson, Gladstone
Rating: PG-13
Word Count::1000
Spoilers: SH09,
Summary: Chapter 30-A of an fanfiction alternative to ACD's The Final Problem and The Empty House, extrapolated from Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes (2009). This is a sequel to the SH09 fanfiction: Fragility by L.A. Adolf
Watson has married and embarked upon his new life. Sherlock Holmes proceeds with the aid of Constable Clark and his brother Mycroft Holmes, to capture the elusive Napoleon of crime, leading to tragic events at Reichenbach Falls and its aftermath.
Disclaimer: don't own anything, make no profit
SPECIAL AUTHOR NOTE (please read!):
New friend Nodbear has discovered-- in a trunk in the attic of her grandmother-a stray document from the estate of of a certain John Hamish Watson, carefully kept back from his literary archive at Cox and Company, his literary executors…
In actuality, Nodbear has written a beautiful sonnet in the voice of John Watson from the “Finality” fic-verse and presented it to me. In return I’ve written a bit of a frame for it and I present it here to you for your enjoyment.
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