Fic: To Perceive is to Suffer, Part XI, Complete.

Jul 28, 2010 10:32

Title: To Perceive is to Suffer
Author: Wraithwitch
Premiss: Watson is known to be an unreliable narrator. However, The Final Problem & The Empty House were an outright lie. The truth of what happened at the Reichenbach Falls is not for The Strand.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Self destruction, angst, drugs, some swearing and a lot of Victorian street slang. Vague knowledge of what ACD says happened at Reichenbach is useful but not essential. Having read the story Pocketbook of Insanity is also vaguely useful but even less essential =P
Length: Complete.

Part XI: Here.

Part I: Here.
Part II: Here.
Part III: Here.
Part IV: Here.
Part V&VI: Here.
Part VII: Here.
Part VIII: Here.
Part IX: Here.
Part X: Here.

pairing: holmes/watson, genre: angst, fanfiction, rating: pg-13, genre: hurt/comfort

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