Fic: Six Shooter

Jul 14, 2010 00:37

Title: Six Shooter
Author: unsettledfic 
Pairing: (In order of appearance) Coward/Holmes, Holmes/Watson, Holmes/Irene, Holmes/Moriarty, Holmes/Dark!Watson, Blackwood/Holmes
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4137
Warnings: Um. MORE GUNKINK THAN I KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH. Violence, noncon.
Disclaimer: Only wish they were mine.
Summary: It's like he likes the taste of gunmetal.
Author’s Note: Fill for this kink meme prompt that got way out of hand: Anyone/Holmes, fucking Holmes with the barrel of a hand gun. Holmes doesn't know it isn't loaded until afterwards. All gun info from wiki & IMDB

pairing: holmes/irene, feat: rough sex, character: irene, pairing: holmes/other, genre: pwp, pairing: holmes/watson, character: holmes, fanfiction, character: watson, character: blackwood, rating: nc-17

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