Sherlock Holmes in the style of Raymond Chandler, Saki, and Hunter S. Thompson

May 23, 2010 00:06

For the kinkmeme, three fairly different attempts to write Sherlock Holmes in the style of a different author

Title: Holmes in the style of Raymond Chandler
Author: postcardmystery
Pairing/Characters: Holmes/Watson, Irene Adler
Rating: PG
Word Count: 965
Spoilers: none that I am aware of
Summary: Sherlock Holmes written in the style of hardboiled detective snark-machine Raymond Chandler
Disclaimer: neither the creations of Arthur Conan Doyle or those of Raymond Chandler belong to me.


Title: Holmes in the style of Saki (H.H. Munro)
Author: postcardmystery
Pairing/Characters: Holmes/Watson, Lestrade
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1339
Spoilers: none that I am aware of
Summary: Sherlock Holmes written in the style of vicious Edwardian satirist Saki
Disclaimer: neither the creations of Arthur Conan Doyle or those of Saki belong to me.


Title: A Terrible Experience With Extremely Dangerous Drugs, WIP
Author: postcardmystery
Pairing/Characters: Holmes/Watson, Lestrade
Rating: R
Word Count: 5000
Spoilers: none that I am aware of
Warnings: lots of swearing, drug use, and later sex. Be warned, please.
Summary: Sherlock Holmes written in the style of the totally insane Hunter S. Thompson
Disclaimer: neither the creations of Arthur Conan Doyle or those of Thompson belong to me.

Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
Part Four:
Part Five:
Part Six: 

feat: drug use, rating: r, rating: pg-13, character: irene, pairing: holmes/watson, genre: crossover, fanfiction, character: lestrade

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