AUDIOFIC: These Things Were Promises (chapter 5, THE LAST CHAPTER)

May 08, 2010 17:32

TITLE: These Things Were Promises (chapter 5)
AUTHOR: paperclipbitch
READER: piss_and_ink
PAIRING: Holmes/Watson
DURATION: 1 hour 13 minutes

summary: Things are different between them in a way that Watson cannot define and Holmes will not define.

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This chapter of the fic can be found HERE.

This is it, folk, the end of a project that took up a considerable amount of my life, the arduous but never unwelcome task of reading my friend's story out loud, in a dark, soundproof room, and then meticulously going back and editing out my mistakes... and editing them into a blooper reel that will make its way into this comm once I have time again to do more editing, I promise. But this has been quite the adventure for me, one that I definitely plan to repeat once I find another epic to read. I truly hope, both humble and hopeful, that I did this incredible piece justice, and that you all enjoy it!

Previous audio chapters: Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4

pairing: holmes/watson, audiofic, rating: nc-17

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