FANFIC (somewhere between humor and fluff should be a bit of plot..... i said SHOULD be)

May 02, 2010 01:34

Title: Hypnosis
Author: moxy_apricot
Rating: PG
Pairing: Holmes/Watson
Disclaimer: you know these boys own each other!!
Summary: Holmes puts Watson under hypnosis for the sake of science (= he wants to know what watson thinks of him, but somewhere along the way, his investigation goes awry)
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: this may contain nuts. just kidding. no nuts, no plot, just our boys.
Word Count: 580 (almost entirely a dialogue fic)
Author's Notes: Seriously, I have lots of fics dusting away on my laptop, so I decided to post at least some of them.

parparheaven,  this one's for you (i hope you dont hate this!) <333

sweetanomaly, love you, as always! <333

"Ok, let's see if this works."

Holmes had managed to convince Watson after breakfast that hypnotizing him in the name of science would not be harmful in any way.
He still couldn't believe it that Watson agreed to do it, though the price for it wasn't cheap. Treating him to a dinner at The Royale, walking Gladstone for a week and not stealing his clothes for the same amount of time was the price Holmes agreed to pay prior to making Watson falling into a trance.
A debate was still going on in his head whether he should keep this conversation strictly professional or should he somehow make his feelings for Watson clear. A rejection in hypnosis might hurt less, he thought, and Watson wouldn't remember it afterwards. Holmes almost considered it a win/win situation. Almost.

"Can you hear me?"


"What is your name?"

"John Watson."

"Good. What is my name?"

"Sure-lock Holmes."

"Close. And what's Gladstone's name?"


"Ok, that one was easy, I'll admit. Wanted to see if you still have your wits about you."




"Do you like me?"


"Why not?"

"You're messy."

"Any other reasons?"


"What are they?"

"You are rude to people, you always want my shirts, you change your mind at the restaurant when they bring us our dishes and want mine instead, you experiment on Gladstone and you don't want to take walks in the park with me."

"What walks in the park?"

"The ones we never take."

"My dear boy, you've never invited me on one!"


"Watson, would you like us to go on a walk in the park together?"


"How about this afternoon?"




"Like one happy family."


"I thought a person under hypnosis only answers to questions... Not declarative sentences."

"I don't know."

"Hmmm. Most unusual."




"If you don't like me, why do you want to take walks with me?"

"Because you need fresh air."

"I'm not a dog, my dear boy."

"Sometimes you smell like one."

"Did you just chuckle?!"


"Odd. I must take notes of this. Or, memorize it and then make you do it. Your handwriting is much nicer to mine."

"I know. I'll do it later."

"You will?"


"How can I repay you?"

"With kisses."


"Lots of kisses."

"Say, Watson."


"How are you feeling?"

"I'm quite fine, thank you."

"Hmmm. Most unusual. Ok, let us go through this. You don't like me, but you want to take walks with me and kiss me."

"That is correct."

"But I like you very much, my dear boy. Do you think you could bring yourself to start liking me, too?"



"I'm past liking."

"Yes, you're so past liking you're in not-liking now."

"No, I'm past liking into loving now."




"Oh yes."

"Companion's platonic loving or future lover's loving?"



"Stop this nonsense and come here and kiss me."


Watson lifted his head, opened his eyes and grinned like a maniac. "Your hypnosis never worked, you pillock."

Holmes, dumbstruck, still just stared at him, his mind simultaneously going through the process of hypnosis, wondering what he did wrong and digesting what Watson has just said.

"For the future, if you will want to know how I feel about certain things, please just ask and don't make up some silly story how mind hypnosis might help the Yard with murder investigations."

"Y-yes, Watson."

"Now come here."

"I can't."

"Why ever not, I say?"

"I don't have control over my legs."

Watson chuckled. "And I haven't even kissed you yet."

pairing: holmes/watson, fanfiction

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