Faith question about Holmes & Watson.

Apr 02, 2010 14:05

Okay, so here the matter, I was just doing something really boring and distracted myself with re-playing Sherlock Holmes in my head, the scene when Holmes hired a bohemian to make predictions at Watson (yeah), and something hit me. I'm not sure if it is very pertinent but I don't think I saw it discussed anywhere before, so I take the chance to ask you what you think. (Oh, and I didn't read the books yet, if it is explained in one of them).

So we already know that Holmes only believe logic and data to make his own opinions, and isn't impressed at all by rumors, appearance or even ideas which are accepted by everyone else. Here comes my first question: Does Holmes believe in God? I'm not sure about the place of religion during the Victorian era, but I would tend to think it still was quite strong. A prayer have been done after Blackwood hanging and a priest was there to take his last confession before he died. As we can guess that it wasn't Blackwood who asked for it, we might think that the priest is for everyone, which let me think that yes, religion still had a stronge place in society. Anyway, if he doesn't, is that a known-fact? Do you think he just doesn't speak about it, mock those who believe, or have faith only when it comes to very important business where he would need a miracle? He doesn't believe in magic, but I'm quite sure magic and faith in God aren't the same even in his head, since the first would be about supernatural powers in humans hands, and the latter, well, would be God.  Maybe it would be something he doesn't know since he doesn't have any data, and then have a doubt about it? I seriously don't know, but I think the question may be worth interest.

My second question would be the same, but about Watson. Does Watson believe in God (and most likely, in supernatural-events)? I think he does. Also, where would Watson's faith comes from? I would tend to answer "society / education" to that question but I think Watson can go against society way of thinking thanxs to Holmes, so I would rather reply "war". Though I'm not sure if the war would have reinforce his faith (thank God we're still alive / i didn't lose my leg / i'm back home now) or make it fragil (why would God do that to us? common blabla). Anyway, that is for God, but now about supernatural? He was more willing to admit the supernatural-explanation that Holmes did, and even if he didn't stop the first time the bohemian-woman called for them, he did when she mentionned Mary. Unlike Holmes, Watson would think that some humans may have a few powers which are upon comprehension?

If Watson does believe and Holmes doesn't, did they speak about it or would they just avoid the subject? Would Watson feel childish to believe in things that cannot be proved living with Holmes who only believes in what he knows as the true because he proved it, or would he think that Holmes is reckless? Would they try to convince each other of their way of thinking (and if they do, would they manage to convince each others?) or just let it go? I think that Holmes know very well this "weakness" Watson have since he tried to manipulate him with the bohemian. (Though the "manipulation" was obvious enough for Watson to understand, which can add others questions as "what wasn't he more subtle?" but we're going away of the first subject :D).

(Okay, I wrote more than I first planned. In summary, the questions were just about Holmes & Watson's faith and the behaviour they have together about it). What do you think? : D

character: holmes, ideas, movie: discussion

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