sequel to See that walking stick

Mar 05, 2010 21:03

Hey all! Since you've all spoiled me soooo much with your wonderful and encouraging FB, my muse wanted to come out and play again. I've written two follow up drabbles for "See that walking stick?". I'm posting part 1, 2 and 3 together because it only makes sense when one reads it in one go. I hope you like the tiny sequels as much as the first one. *hidessss*

Title: See that Walking Stick?
Author: Delorita
Pairing/Characters: Holmes/Watson
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: the true nature of Watson's walking stick
Summary: inappropriate thoughts, innapropriate behaviour
Notes/Warnings: Holmes' POV. Thanks go to my dear beta ladylovelace
Disclaimer: The delicious characters belong to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Guy Richie. And I want to thank Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr. for playing them so perfectly and bring them to life for me.


I have to hold my breath.

I have to close my eyes.

I want to cover up my ears, too, but that would be just too awkward.

My dear Watson is playing nervously with his sword stick.

He pulls it out of its sheath; just a fragment.

Slides it in again.

Pulls it out.

And I gasp.

He shoots a distracted glance into my direction.

I look away innocently; busying myself with the letter we just received.

He sheaths the blade even more slowly.

A wicked grin appears on his face.

"Is there something else on your mind, Holmes?"


"No." I state firmly, holding his gaze with mine.

I will not give in too soon.

We stare at each other.

I see how his knuckles turn white; so hard is he gripping his weapon.

"My dear fellow," I start and my voice sounds even. "What was it you wanted to say about the case?"

I observe the slight twitch of his mouth beneath his moustache.

I lick my lips, slowly.

He lowers his lashes and turns his back on me. I do not fail to hear the hoarse moan that escapes him.

"Is there something else on y o u r mind?"


I stand and he turns.

We both take two steps forward and without further words we crush our mouths together.

Kissing hard.


Our erections clash.

It is not often that our strange lust overcomes us during work, but my dear Watson's walking stick holds just too much innuendo.

"I want you to do that to me." I rasp, gripping his lapels.

I swipe my tongue tentatively across his moustache.

He is closing his eyes briefly to retain his composure; then his clear eyes sparkle mischievously and he smirks again, "It would be my utmost pleasure, my dear Holmes."


pairing: holmes/watson, fanfiction, challenge 2: cane

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