Winter 2019 Schedule

Sep 05, 2019 10:42

The equinox is approaching, which means that it's time to get ready for the December round of Holmestice! As usual, Holmestice will be held at the Dreamwidth community.

Sign-ups Open: Sept 22
Sign-ups Close: Oct 6
Matches Sent: Oct 14
Assignments Due: Nov 24
Posting Begins: Dec 1
Posting Ends: Dec 14
Reveals: Dec 21

Clear your schedules, start planning your sign-ups, and spread the word far and wide!

Here are some banners you can use to help spread the word!

Holmestice Fanworks Exchange (detail of "Westminster," de Nittis, 1878)

Holmestice Fanworks Exchange (detail of "Westminster," de Nittis, 1878)

And of course if you would like to make your own promotional graphic for the exchange, we welcome that!

And for those who missed the earlier announcement, we're still collecting responses on our Holmestice Questionnaire! We're presenting about Holmestice at the Left Coast Sherlockian Symposium in October, and we'd love to know more about how and why you Holmestice!

!admin post

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