Well, that's it for this round!
We've posted exchange gifts for 41 fanwork creators in just under 2 weeks.
Reveals and the master list will be posted on the summer solstice - Monday, June 20th.
In the mean time, read the fic or view the art or listen to the podfic. And comment here or our
AO3 collection to let these creators know how much we've
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Perhaps because of the diversity, I don't have as many guesses as I usually do -- I think a lot of people tried something new this time around, which is awesome! But it makes the guessing even trickier than usual :)
So I will stick to the few I feel confident about, and wait to be surprised with all the rest!
saki101 has such amazing imaginative style and detailed world-building, I think I see their hand behind The House of Usher.
scfrankles loves Mrs. Hudson and loves to laugh; surely I see her spirit shining through Dust and Ashes.
And, this is going to sound really weird since I haven't even had the chance to finish reading it yet, but given what I have read, the length, the adoration of its readers, its clean prose and powerful emotion, I feel like The ( ... )
Would you enjoy prompting a vidlet? It's part of the Holmestice fun for me to offer a treat for people who correctly guess my contribution, and wouldn't you know, I have a TON of Holmesian source sitting on my hard-drive, plus a deep stack of notes about where the cool bits are, and I used only the barest fraction of any of it in the vid.
So. Prompt a vidlet? Topic or 'verse (no BBC please for force-balancing reasons, but obvs nearly anything else in the vid is a go, and I've got a few more adapts sitting around that I haven't used, try me).
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