Title:Along the Lane, In a Pub, A Reunion
xfdryadCharacters/Pairings: Greg Lestrade/John Watson, implied Greg Lestrade/John Watson/Sherlock Holmes,
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Omegaverse
Summary: Another round of laughter had Greg raising an eyebrow. "I'm hardly fit company tonight."
Along the Lane, In a Pub, A Reunion )
Comments 4
+ Yes for in character everyone
+ Random orgy
+ One of John's friends having a beard
+ John being trans (kind of ish)
+ Sherlock's 'yeeees' omfg
+ Three contients watson ftw (and on several small islands my heart)
+ Sherlock popping up like everywhere
+ Sherlock reading a book while they fuck
+ Greg just getting all the love he totally deserves
+ I got Greg/John holy shit with a dash of Sherlock
I know there is more love to be found but that's off the top of my head.
Thank you so much anon!!!
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