Title: Who Is The Lamb? by tiltedsyllogism (Podfic)
Link to fic:
Who Is The Lamb? (AO3)
cnsltngsmrtarsCharacters/Pairings: Molly Hooper, Mycroft Holmes (Gen)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: None
Summary: After the Fall, Molly has to figure out what being brave looks like.
Notes: Dear tiltedsyllogism, surprise! I made you two gifts. That's because this is not one of the fics you suggested for a podfic but I really wanted to try one and this was the one of your fics I felt the best about attempting. So this is sort of an extra, and thank you for letting me try. Many thanks to consultingsmartarse for all the technical help. Trust me, you would not have been able to hear anything without them.
Link to podfic:
Who Is The Lamb? (.mp3)