Title: Brandy and Soda
sanguinityVerse: Nicholas Meyer, The Seven Percent Solution
Characters/Pairings: John Watson, Sherlock Holmes
Rating: Teen
Warnings: major character death; past drug use
Summary: Holmes returns to Baker Street.
Author note:
rachelindeed’s lovely prompt got me to thinking about post-Seven Percent stories, and what the novel’s revision of
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This was one of those stories that arrived fully formed in one go, which happens every once in a while. The brandy and soda was one of the few concrete details of their marriage in the novel, so I of course had to bring it forward; it wasn't until I was looking for a title that I realized how central it really was, in its own quiet way.
And yes, Mary sending for Holmes, and then fighting to hold on until he arrived. Mary may be off-screen throughout, but I had hoped there was enough here that she would register as a character in her own right. (And yes, she has a decided genius for investigation! In the branch universe of my heart, Mary didn't wait seven years to become a model client for Holmes, but pursued the question of the pearls herself.)
Mostly, though: I really didn't want this to be an angst-machine fic. I hate-hate-hate the implied Watson-whump of the hiatus, and 7PER gave me the opportunity to fix one more piece of that: Watson doesn't have to be alone during Mary's implied death. I could have them send for Holmes in this 'verse, and so I did. This was supposed to be a story about people loving each other well; I'm pleased that's the story you saw, too. :-)
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