Title: I ka nānā no a 'ike (By observing, one learns)
gardnerhillInspired by:
Wakakana Koa a Holamaka Kahuna (Warrior Wakakana and Shaman Holamaka)Medium: Acrylic on wood
hiddenlacunaCharacters/Pairings: Holmes & Watson AU
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: None
Message: I adored "Wakakana Koa" and wanted to paint something that captured the magic and beauty of that story. This depicts Holamaka Kahuna and Wakakana Koa returning home to their island after their mid-ocean encounter, propelled in their canoe by two sharks. The title is a traditional Hawaiian saying - I spent several hours poring over various Hawaiian-English dictionaries looking for a title that felt right, and stumbled across this saying, which was so perfect I just *had* to use it. Hope you enjoy! Happy Holmestice!