Fic for jazzy_fay: Explosive Encounters Part 2/2

Dec 08, 2013 12:10

Title: Explosive Encounters
Recipient: jazzy_fay
Verse: BBC Sherlock
Author: frozen_delight
Characters/Pairings: Sherlock/John
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Beta: Many, many thanks to my fantastic beta dioscureantwins for all her help, advice and encouragement. All remaining mistakes are mine of course. Extra thanks to the lovely canonisrelative and stardust_made for their sound advice and patient hand-holding.
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pairing: holmes/watson, 2013: gift: fic, source: bbc

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Comments 15

imaginecoolname December 8 2013, 22:32:22 UTC
I don't think I've ever seen My Beautiful Launderette worked into a fanfic, and since I adore that film, for that alone you have my sincere gratitude for this pleasant surprise. :) The Sherlock/John story was of course just as wonderful, so thank you very much for this lovely, highly enjoyable read!


frozen_delight December 31 2013, 11:06:28 UTC
Thanks so much for your lovely comment. I can't tell you how happy it's made me to read that someone who adores that film as much as I do enjoyed the way I wove it into the Sherlock-verse.
By the way, there is a lovely My Beautiful Launderette fic by irisbleufic. In case you're interested, you can read it here.
Thanks again. Have a Happy New Year! xx


imaginecoolname December 31 2013, 18:17:03 UTC
Thank you for the rec, I'll definitely take a look.

A very Happy New Year to you, too! :)


jazzy_fay December 9 2013, 00:55:02 UTC
OH! Thank you so much! This was lovely! I've never heard of "My Beautiful Launderette" before, but now I really want to find it. This was such a nice change of pace. I loved how John came to realize his feelings for Sherlock as he watched those around him. And I really liked the fact that John was able to make some outstanding deductions of his own--not only has he learned from Sherlock, but his own understanding of human relationships is well-developed.

I giggled at the "I don't think his penis is in working order" line, and felt John's sense of awkwardness when the domestic started with him trapped by the timer.

Excellent story! Thank you so, so much, mystery author!!


frozen_delight December 31 2013, 11:10:43 UTC
Dear jazzy_fay, I'm so glad you enjoyed reading the fic, even if you didn't know My Beautiful Launderette before. I didn't have that much time to come up with a proper casefic for you, so I decided to draw on characters that already existed to make it a little easier for me to write. And I'm so pleased that you liked the way I wrote John, not as clever as Sherlock, but observant enough in his own right.
I don't know if you have an AO3 account and I was just too stupid to find you over there when I posted the story last night - in case you do, do tell me what you're called over there so that I can dedicate the story to you properly.
Have a Happy New Year! xx


swissmarg December 9 2013, 11:46:36 UTC
I love stories where a case helps John and Sherlock's relationship to advance, so this was a pleasure for that reason. I really liked the little moments where they connected, like Sherlock asking if John was all right and coming down right away, and then later giving John a look after he'd solved the case.


frozen_delight December 31 2013, 11:13:00 UTC
Thank you for your lovely comment, dear swissmarg. I'm happy you liked the little moments between Sherlock and John. That's what I love most about the series, those little looks and gestures which show how much they mean to each other, so I'm glad if it came across all right in my own writing, too.
Have a Happy New Year! xx


billiethepoet December 9 2013, 18:14:45 UTC
Shaking his head and cursing Sherlock’s cute face...

Oh, we've all been there.

I love seeing how John puts the pieces together as Sherlock is solving the case around him. And Sherlock remembering to ask if John was okay after the explosion is probably more telling about his own feelings than any overt declaration could be.


frozen_delight December 31 2013, 11:17:16 UTC
Sherlock remembering to ask if John was okay after the explosion is probably more telling about his own feelings than any overt declaration could be.
Yes, that's just it, isn't it? :)
I'm glad you enjoyed the way I wrote John, making his own observations while Sherlock is busy being clever and annoying, and how I presented their relationship.
Thank you for your lovely comment.
Have a Happy New Year! xx


saki101 December 9 2013, 23:33:13 UTC
What an original cross-over idea! Now I'm going to picture the launderette as a permanent fixture round the corner from Baker Street!


frozen_delight December 31 2013, 11:20:43 UTC
Thanks for reading and commenting. The cross-over idea wasn't all that original, to be honest. It was more a case of making a virtue out of necessity. :) I didn't have enough time to come up with a fully fleshed-out casefic of my own, so I decided to draw on characters who were already there. But I'm glad if you feel that the My Beautiful Launderette-verse fits nicely into the Baker Street area.
Have a Happy New Year! xx


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