Tuesday, July 3rd 2012

Jul 03, 2012 21:05

+ News
Holmes under the hammer: Collection of Arthur Conan Doyle's papers up for auction (ACD)
Sky buys US Sherlock rival Elementary (CBS)

+ Challenges
Round 2, Week 6: Voting at sherlock-ldws
Monthly Crossover Fanworks Contest: July at wholockians

+ Fan Art
Comfort by basaltgrrl (Watson, Lestrade | G | BBC)

+ Fan Fic
In Progress
The Sign of the Four (24/26) by solojones (Holmes, Watson | PG-13 | BBC)
I'll Give You Everything You Need (You've Given Me Everything I Want) 16/? by nickelsandcoats (Holmes/Watson, Mycroft/Lestrade | PG-13 | BBC)
Somewhat Shady (1/2) by eldritchhorrors (Holmes/Watson | PG-13 | BBC)
Transition 3/11 (Such sober certainty of waking bliss) by fennishjournal (Watson/Lestrade/Holmes | NC-17 | BBC)
Electric Pink Hand Grenade Part 3 by truths_in_lies (Holmes/Watson | Teen | BBC)
Survival (chapter 11) by koneko_zero (Holmes, Watson, Hooper, Lestrade | Teen | BBC)
Interrogation (4/5) by korearabin (Moriarty, Mycroft | NC-17 | BBC)
Pool of Hearts (2/?) by hunsher (Holmes, Mycroft, Dimmock | G | BBC)
Myopia (11/20) by bamboo_door (Holmes/Watson | PG-13 | BBC)
Growing Up on Baker Street ( 2/?) by chikatai (Holmes/Watson, OC | PG | BBC)

What It Isn’t by tigersilver (Holmes/Watson | NC-17 | BBC)
The Curious Case of the Coiffured Clue by methylviolet10b (Holmes/Watson | PG | ACD)
I Prefer to Text by impulsereader (Holmes, Watson, Mycroft | Teen | BBC)
One of Maple, One of Palm by nox_candida (Holmes/Watson | PG-13 | BBC)
Other People by foxlives (Holmes/Watson | PG-13 | BBC)
Next to You by cypress_fic (Holmes/Watson | PG | BBC)
Vegas High by pennypaperbrain (Holmes/Watson | Teen | BBC)
Refugees by beesandbrews (Holmes/Adler, Holmes/Watson | PG | BBC)
Epiphany by roguemariel (Holmes, Watson | K | BBC)
Remember When I Moved in You by sc010f (Holmes/Mycroft, Mycroft/Lestrade, Holmes/Watson | NC-17 | BBC)
Special Relationship by 2ndskin (Mycroft/Nick Fury | Mature | BBC/Avengers crossover)
echoes through the caverns of a chest (the give and take) by hitlikehammers (Holmes/Watson | NC-17 | BBC)
Purely Medicinal by k8matty (Holmes/Watson | NC-17 | BBC)
Five Times Mycroft Smoked A Cigarette (And Sherlock Was There To See) by chocolatepeach (Holmes/Mycroft | PG-13 | BBC)
Do Not Use This Address for Reply by tweedisgood (Watson, Holmes | G | ACD)
A Night To Remember by korearabin (Moriarty, Adler, Moran | Mature | BBC)
As much as you love science by tocourtdisaster (Holmes/Watson, Mycroft | NC-17 | BBC)
The Rescue (2/2) by scandalbaby (Holmes/Amy Pond, Watson | PG | BBC/Doctor Who crossover)
Five Times Sherlock and John Watched Porn Together (And One Time They Didn't Need To) by cypress-fic (Holmes/Watson | NC-17 | BBC)

Drabbles, Ficlets and 221Bs
Public Knowledge by list_of_lists (Holmes/Lestrade | PG-13 | BBC)
From Fire an' Fleet an' Candleleet by list_of_lists (Holmes/Lestrade | PG-13 | BBC)
Drabble Tuesday: Opium, Gun, Bohemian, Brothers, Sail by methylviolet10b (Watson, Holmes | PG | ACD)

+ Misc
2 recs in a multifandom post by bethbethbeth (BBC)
Sherlock Meet-up At Ascendio in Orlando, FL by pennswoods (BBC)
Thoughts on Biscuits by alocin42 (BBC)
Tuesday beta at sherlockbbc (BBC)
Sherlock: A Study in Locationing (10) Jubilee Weekend in Grimpen by quarryquest (BBC)

If something is incorrect/title/pairing/rating etc or we are missing a post, community, or a journal please drop a note in the comments or send us an email at holmes.news@gmail.com. Please check out the posting guidelines before sending in a request.
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