Title: The Mixtape in Your Heart (4/?)
Pairing: Robert Downey Jr./Jude Law
Genre: Romance/drama
Rating: NC-17 (yes, finally!)
Warning: Language, mush, with a side of slight angst, real-person slash, adult/mature situations
Disclaimer: Everybody owns themselves! I'm pretty sure if they knew I was writing this, they'd have to sue me, so yeah - I'll happily claim nothing and stay un-sued!
Summary: Burgers and fries with a side of banter. Shooting on the movie begins and the gang get an on-set visit from E! Robert and Jude go out on the town.
A/N: The timeline on this story is going to be hella confusing, not gonna lie. It's going to be all over the place - the past, the present, the future, and the future in a completely different Jude/Robert sort of AU of the movie, but hopefully it won't cause too much whiplash!
"Is it okay that I can't stop... looking at you?"