Title: Toothpaste Kisses
wecrashcopters Pairing: Robert Downey Jr./Jude Law
Warnings: PG-13, boys kissing
Disclaimer: No money being made, copyright to whoever owns it, just for fun.
Summary: 1 of 2 fics written for
shambolicasfuck which both start off with the same situation of Robert and Jude getting asked to kiss in an interview. This fic goes along with the premise that this is not their first kiss.
Read it here:
wecrashcopters.livejournal.com/3086.html Title: This Is Where It All Begins
wecrashcopters Pairing: Robert Downey Jr./Jude Law
Warnings: NC-17, lots of swearing and some sex
Disclaimer: No money being made, copyright to whoever owns it, just for fun.
Summary: 1 of 2 fics written for
shambolicasfuck which both start off with the same situation of Robert and Jude getting asked to kiss in an interview. This fic goes along with the premise that this is their first kiss.
Read it here: