Aug 16, 2015 19:22
I'm really embarrased to be posting twice in a row, but I've misplaced another fic. (I've been on a fic crawl, trying to add to my collection.) It has to do with Mycroft continually attempting to recruit John. I believe the reason is they discovered that he has far more training/security clearance than they first thought. Mycroft keeps trying to convince John to become an agent, and John keeps brushing him off. At one point Mycroft even tries to tell John that surely he's bored with Sherlock now, and he could provide more opportunities for action, etc. At first John is fairly easygoing about it, then he gets snappy and tells Mycroft that no means NO, and finally he threatens to punch him in the face if he doesn't back off. I think he makes his point by reminding Mycroft of who trained him, and that Mycroft is not likely his match, even if he was trained by MI5. Does this ring any bells with anyone? (I have a weakness for BAMF!John, so while I'm hoping to find this exact story, I'll take similar ones if anyone has them. But hopefully somebody recognizes this.) Thanks loads!
verse: bbcholmes,
pairing: holmes/watson,
kink: bamf!watson,
character: mycroft holmes