Hi all! So the first one I'm not sure if it's canon or 09!verse, but it's Victorian era anyhow, and Holmes needs Watson to help him infiltrate a sex-slave ring, or something. Either way, it requires Watson to shave everything, including -- with much angst -- his mustache. Holmes pretends to be the guy selling him at the "market" and has to stand there and watch some oily, awful guy fondle Watson and even let him get purchased before swooping to the rescue. They all escape, and there is rows and pretty words and then smut in a train car. I think Holmes had tacks in his shoes to distract from the naked-Watson-fondling, too. Any help with this would be appreciated!
So, the other two are BBC fics, one that came off the kinkmeme somewhere, and one that I thought was on AO3 only I can't find it no matter how many different searches I run. It might be they've both been deleted, but either way knowing would be good. The first is Sherlock/John and it's pretty cracky and smutty, in which once a month everyone turns into a were!something. More than werewolves and the like, people can turn into were!tops or were!bottoms (I think Sherlock has a fear of being a were!Mycroft). Anyway, John turns into a were!Dom, I think; sexually aggressive, in charge, hot as hell. Sherlock knows about this and trains in preparation for it each time, because he has a thing for John during his were!phase. There is gratuitous amounts of fucking all over the flat. At the end, John reveals that Sherlock is in fact a were: a were!slutty-bottom, or something dumb like that. They live pornfully ever after, or so I assume.
The other one is even more depraved. It was on the kinkmeme, I think, and it was a Jim/John story where Jim lures John to a warehouse where he supposedly has Sherlock tied to a chair, beaten up and with a sack over his head. Jim then subjects John to a bunch of BDSM type torment, I think involving a vibrator at one point and ending with John in a swing suspended in the air while he is tortured by a fucking machine. All very dub!con/non!con-ish, what with John getting aroused and at the end sort of begging for release, but very obvious being coerced by threats to the guy he thinks is Sherlock. There's a spooky moment after John finally comes where Jim has the guy shot in the head right in front of John, only to then pull the bag off and reveal it was just some guy dressed like Sherlock. Then it ends.
Yeah, so that's what I got here. Hopefully someone can help me out with these! I'd appreciate it ever so much :D
EDIT: The first one has been found! Check in the comments below for a link!