Hello, first time posting here. Love this site.
I was looking for some long, well written hurt, betrayal fics. I love both the boys, but I'm in the mood for Watson being the unlucky person to be hurt/betrayed.
So I'm looking for the follow types of stories:
1. Sherlock says/does something completely hurtful and Watson suffers for it emotionally and/or mentally. (besides the whole dying bit in the BBC verse) It takes a while for Sherlock to figure it out and finds himself angry because of it and lashes out at Watson for causing this "emotional ride". I love long, angsty fics. The longer and angstier the better. Slash or Gen is fine. I don't really like Het. I guess they need to be either together or with no one. I'm fickle. lol
2. The boys are together but Sherlock doesn't take the relationships as seriously as Watson. For example: Sherlock sleeps with or flirts with someone for a case and tells Watson details. (The affair doesn't have to be in detail, just the fact that Sherlock can't seem to get it into his head that it's wrong.) Watson is upset, heartbroken, suicidal......mental hurt, emotional hurt...... Again long and angsty please. :) Slash for this one.
3. Like number 2 but not slash. A bromance type fic where Sherlock is allowing another person to come with he and Watson on cases and Sherlock starts spending more time with this person, he starts praising them about their deduction skills. Maybe a Watson overhears them talking and feels he's been replaced. Long, Sad, depressed, suicidal angsty ........ Gen. (It can be pre-slash)
So there's what my twisted little mind is looking for. I have read through many of the tags on here and they are all wonderful stories. Thank you in advance.
Mod: Please forgive me if I missed a tag.