Jul 28, 2012 23:00
Howdy all you lovely people! This one has been stuck in my brain for a bit and it's been buzzin' like a hornet in there. I'm just desperate to find it. It was a Hunger Games AU and John got a really really high score in the testing round because he sliced open his stomach and sewed it back together. Harry was his mentor, and she had a drinking problem. John has a limp from an industrial accident, and he knows so much about the human body because he surgically experimented on himself because he felt that he couldn't ask another person to trust him to do something he wouldn't do on himself. His mother had taught him about medicine. Harry was psychologically messed up after winning and hinted it might be better if he died. When they were going to show their skills to the judges, Harry had suggested he make a paste but John was like "Nope, I'm a BAMF. Because I am John MF Watson." (Ok he didn't actually say that BUT STILL.) I don't think they had gotten out of training by the time I lost it, but I'm desperate to see if this amazing fic has been updated. Can anyone help a gal out? :D
genre: hurt/comfort,
kink: self-harm,
kink: disability,
genre: crossover,
genre: first meeting,
genre: au,
pairing: holmes/watson,
genre: crack,
kink: hurt!watson,
genre: slash,