Two BBC John/Sherlock fics

Jan 15, 2012 18:43

J/S au meeting - Either their first meeting or first case goes differently, which causes many changes. Sherlock starts a private practice for John at their flat which is frequented by his homeless network and the nicer petty criminals (I believe he calls it a Valentine's present). I think at some point there is a case involving organ theft from the homeless. FOUND - Deceptions by SilverEyesWolf -

After TGG - During a case where several people have fallen to their death in different spots at the same time, John is kidnapped. He wakes up cold, wet and possibly drugged in some kind of large hole with a concrete floor. No one speaks to him, and he is alternately blinded by a bright light and doused with water. Sherlock has to find him before he falls too. I'm fairly sure this is part of a longer fic or series that acts as a continuation to TGG.

I've been going mad looking for these, and appreciate any help.

verse: bbcholmes, pairing: holmes/watson, genre: first meeting

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