I'm helping a friend search for a BBC vampire!AU set around TGG. Sherlock is a vampire, and he's forced to turn John in order to save his life. Afterwards, he thinks about how different John is than before. I looked at the fics with the vampire tags on the BBC meme's Delicious archive and also the fics people have already linked on this comm, and I don't think any of those are it. Any ideas, people? Thanks! <3
EDIT: Found! You can just ignore what I said about it not being listed anywhere, because it is, and I just didn't recognize it at first and basically I'm just dumb. That being said, it's actually an epic-length fic by
velvet_mace - link to the prompt is
right here (also, should be noted that the fill continues in the next part of the meme - there's a link at the bottom). So, there you go! [Apologies if I confused anybody with my perplexing post. XD]