Aug 03, 2011 15:36
Okay, so I figured that I could manage with just a plus account until I got a job (which isn't happening any time soon, despite all the jobs I have applied for). Then just now, I discovered that the majority of my userpics are now inactive. I knew that would happen, of course, but somehow I was thinking that the older pics would be the ones to be made inactive, not the newest. Right now, I'm working on figuring out how to make the ads actually go with my layout (whilst using AdBlock to block said ads), but the userpic issue has me really frustrated, oddly enough. I have no problem with the loss of being able to edit my comments (which was the original reason I first ended up with a paid account). I can't wait for the two week refund of paid time to kick in....I was hoping that my paid time wouldn't run out before that kicked in, buying me some extra time before my time ran out and forced me back to plus.
I also need about $1k for the rest of my tuition payment plus books for my classes this fall, and I haven't a clue where I'm going to get that money--school starts on the 20th, and the tuition payment is due this Friday! I didn't get a single cent of financial aid this semester, leaving me scrambling for money. I can't even ask my parents to help me out, since they would just refuse on the grounds that I'm not worth it (though they wouldn't say it that way, of course, even though it would be the truth). And then there's the fact that I'm using an eight-year-old laptop...I don't even want to get started on that mess right now.
In short, I have no future to look forward to at all.
family issues