My Little Pony: Friendship isn't Magic (Love is) -- Art Postage #6

Jul 19, 2011 20:44

All pics made using the Pegasus Maker or the Pony Maker on Doll Divine or on the Robe au choix V6 by Citroonvert79 on dA.

I'm working on a My Little Pony/Star Trek fusion/crossover thingie, and I felt like sharing the pony versions of the crew from my story.

Today's crew member is Hikaru, the pony version of Lieutenant Sulu.

Hikaru is a born navigator, as indicated by his cutie mark. He can find his way anywhere, as long as up is actually up (in other words, as long as he's got gravity pulling on his body, he can find the planetoid needle in the galactic haystack).

<< Pavel|| Montgomery>>

media: my little pony, +art, ++fanfiction, media: star trek, verse: friendship isn't magic (love is)

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