What did I do to deserve this???

Jul 13, 2011 17:56

My dad is in a particularly bad mood right now. I can tell by the names he's calling me, and how vicious his insults are this evening.
The worst part of it is that when he asks me what I've accomplished this summer, I can't respond at all, because I know that the things I have accomplished this summer are not things that he approves of--he thinks that what I do on the computer during the day is a waste of time, without even knowing what it is I do on the computer. In fact, he (and my mom as well) always assume that I spend all of my time on the computer during the day, goofing off, when I don't. I have a daily physical and mental exercise routine that I go through every weekday morning (I don't have time on the weekends to go through my exercise routine).
I just wish I could do something about my present situation, but there's nothing I can do that won't just make things worse.

life, depression, family issues

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