Title: Galifrey's Secret
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Gene Roddenberry. The original Galifrey belongs to the BBC. Erica belongs to me.
Warnings: AU (Erica)
Summary: "We were shot down by the natives, Jim."
Author's Notes: The only real reference to Doctor Who in this story is the name of the planet, which is deliberately named after the home world of the Time Lords because I've been around my sister for too long or something. This was written for the prompt "plane crash" on my
hc_bingo card.
The first thing Jim Kirk was aware of upon regaining consciousness was pain, and lots of it.
In fact, he was pretty sure that there wasn't a part of him that didn't hurt.
"He's awake, Uncle Leonard!" a youthful voice called out from somewhere beside him, and moments later McCoy made his appearance, waving a tricorder over his battered body.
"What happened, Bones?" Kirk managed to ask.
"We were shot down by the natives, Jim," McCoy growled.
"Natives?" Kirk asked, confused. Wasn't Galifrey supposed to be uninhabited?
"Life on Galifrey seems to be invisible to our scanners, Captain," Spock offered, sticking his head into the cool cave that had become the landing party's home since the shuttle crash two days earlier.
"No unnecessary movements, Jim," McCoy declared. "And I'd prefer it if you didn't move at all."
"Fine, Bones," Kirk said dismissively.
A surprised yelp of pain from his niece prevented the doctor from replying.
McCoy turned to his niece, who was now sucking on the finger she had just burned when electricity had arc'd between two wires in the communicator she'd been in the process of taking apart.
"Be careful," he rebuked his niece, unable to do anything else for the mild electrical burn.
"I am," insisted Erica, more out of reflex than truth.
"What are you trying to do, Erica?" Kirk asked, eager for something to take his mind off the pain he was in.
"I'm trying to modify this communicator so that we can communicate with the Enterprise," the young girl replied.
"I thought we already could communicate with the Enterprise using a communicator," Kirk objected.
"The communicator's signal is too weak to penetrate Galifrey's ionized atmosphere, Captain," Spock quickly explained. "Erica managed to figure out how to amplify our communicators to reach the Enterprise yesterday, but before we could raise the ship we were attacked by the Galifreyans and the communicator she had altered was destroyed."
That explained the cave, Kirk thought.
Erica muttered something in a foreign language vaguely familiar to Kirk before the crackle of static filled the cave.
"Took you long enough," muttered McCoy.
"I don't have eidetic memory, Uncle Leonard," Erica shot back before hailing the Enterprise.
Soon they were back onboard the Enterprise, McCoy proclaiming to all who crossed his path as he left the transporter room for his Sickbay (with Kirk and Erica both in tow, of course) what he thought of shuttles-basically, that they were flying death traps with targets painted on all sides.