Broken Symbols 13/13

Jun 08, 2011 07:50

Title: Broken Symbols
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Gene Roddenberry and the reboot to JJ Abrams. Doom belongs to someone else. Everything else is mine.
Warnings: Slash, Crossover (Doom), medical ickiness, spoilers (Doom, Star Trek), Language, Angst, Questionable Science
Summary: McCoy deals with too many things at once, while Kirk finally figures out his feelings for the doctor.
Author's Notes: This is the end...for now.

Chapter Thirteen: Matchmaker, Matchmaker
Chief Medical Officer's Office, Sickbay, USS Montgomery Scott; 'Original' Timeline
"How was it, James?" Julius asked, sitting down across the desk from Matherson.
The doctor scowled at his husband.
"It was like going back in time, but with a twist," Matherson replied. "Your record as youngest captain of a Starfleet vessel has been broken-by yourself."
"How'd I end up captain of the Enterprise so early?" Julius asked.
"Nero destroyed more than just Vulcan, Jim," Matherson replied, calling his husband by a nickname he hadn't used in years.
Julius ignored the slip, knowing that it wasn't the time for teasing, as Matherson continued speaking.
"The majority of our class died after warping to Vulcan, thinking it was a natural disaster, not a crazed Romulan from the future of another timeline."
"Chekov, Sulu, Uhura, Scotty-my crew, what about them?" Julius asked.
"As far as I was able to discover, the entire crew of the Enterprise, those who served under you after Mitchell's death, all managed to make their way onboard the Enterprise despite all of the changes that occurred as a result of the destruction of the Kelvin," Matherson replied.
"The destruction of the Kelvin?" echo'd Julius. "The Kelvin was destroyed?"
"At least now I know where your self-sacrificing idiocy came from," Matherson muttered.
"James, what are you talking about?" Julius demanded.
"Your father died the day you were born in that other timeline, Julius," Matherson replied. "He was captain of the Kelvin long enough to fly it into Nero's ship."
"What about your counterpart?" Julius asked, deciding that they needed to change the subject of the conversation before it got derailed by discussions of Jim Kirk's stupidity.
"Relatively unchanged-no daughter though."
"No Joanna?" Julius asked. "That world is missing out."
"Apparently she died of SIDS, which then destroyed his marriage with Jocelyn."
"How'd you find that out?" Julius asked. "That doesn't sound like something that would have come up in casual conversation, even with one's counterpart."
"I looked it up while I was onboard the Enterprise," Matherson admitted.
"What else did you do?" Julius asked.
"I helped get our counterparts together."
"You know what, James, Rosalyn's right, you are a yenta," Julius declared.
Matherson scowled at his husband.
"I am not a yenta, Julius," he growled.
"You so are, James," Julius insisted. "First Rosalyn and Asher, now our counterparts in another timeline-who's next?"
"Aren't you due for your regular physical, Julius?" Matherson suddenly asked.
Observation Deck, USS Enterprise; 'Alt' timeline
McCoy cocked an eyebrow at Kirk.
"What’s with all this?" he asked, indicating the fine spread laid out on the table between them.
"Matherson said you should infect me with C-24 after a good meal, during sex," Kirk replied.
"I am not having sex with you on the observation deck, Jim," McCoy objected.
"I wasn't thinking of that, Bones, but that's actually a great idea," Kirk replied.
"I know you get off on the rush, Jim, but I don't," McCoy pointed out.
"Is that why I've never walked on you even masturbating, Bones?"
"Dammit, Jim!"

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warning: language, +fanfiction, warning: slash, series: darkest memories, warning: spoilers, rating: r, media: star trek, warning: violence, media: doom

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