Darkest Memories 17/18

May 18, 2011 08:13

Title: Darkest Memories
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Gene Roddenberry, Reboot to JJ Abrams. Doom belongs to whoever owns it. Everything else is probably mine.
Warnings: Crossover (Doom), Slash, Language, Violence, Medical ickiness, Spoilers (Doom, Star Trek)
Summary: McCoy is forced to face a certain dark part of his past and his feelings for Kirk-all at the same time.
Author’s Notes: There totally is a reference to the British Royals in this chapter...

Chapter Seventeen: Remembering Tarsus
Tarsus IV, 2246
“Doctor Middleton! Doctor Middleton!” a young voice was shouting in desperation.
William Middleton looked up from the power generator he’d been working on.
“James?” the scientist called, wondering why the young Kirk boy was shouting for him.
“Doctor Middleton, help!” James cried out, racing up the dirt path to William’s house from the colony.
“Come back here, you bastard!” bellowed the man chasing after James.
William didn’t like the man’s scent at all. He leapt effortlessly over his fence and raced down the path towards James and his pursuer.
“Get inside the house,” the scientist ordered the young boy, and James did not need to be told twice.
“Be careful, Doctor Middleton,” James lingered long enough to call to the scientist. “He’s armed!”
William ignored James (mostly because he was too busy wrestling the man James was running from to respond).
James had just climbed over the fence when he heard phaser fire. He turned around in time to see William fall to the ground, presumably dead.
“No!” James cried out. “Doctor Middleton!”
The man who had been chasing James, a member of Governor Kodos’ security force, grinned up at the young boy.
“It’s all your fault your scientist friend is dead, James Kirk,” the man growled.
“No!” James cried out again. He couldn’t believe that William was dead, because he had promised James that he wouldn’t die.
“Stop lying to the kid,” growled a voice from behind the man.
Private Recovery Room, Sickbay, USS Enterprise; Present Day
“You were William Middleton!?” exclaimed James, staring wide-eyed at his friend.
John was panting hard, as if he had really just been shot in the chest by a phaser.
“Apparently, I was indeed William Middleton,” John remarked softly. “How could I have forgotten that day?”
“It wasn’t your choice, Bones,” James informed him. “You were attacked by a Vulcan two months ago.”
“That nurse, Christine, she did mention that something along those lines had occurred,” John observed.
“Is everything alright?” a dark-skinned man-M’Benga, John’s mind supplied-asked, sticking his head into the room.
“We’re fine, Doctor,” James informed M’Benga. “Bones just remembered a past life.”
Captain’s Quarters, USS Enterprise
That evening, John was released from Sickbay and into James’ care.
“You should take the bed,” James insisted. “I can sleep on the couch.”
“There’s enough room for both of us,” John pointed out, before immediately wondering why the hell he’d said that.
Tarsus IV, 2246
James snuggled closer to William. It was only going to get colder from now on, and not only at night. But the scientist was not willing to risk discovery by building a fire, not yet. Maybe if he managed to bring down a deer, he could skin it-they did have deer on Tarsus IV, right?
William made a mental note to himself to ask James about the local flora and fauna in the morning.
William tensed, waking James. Wrapping the survival blanket quietly (and quickly) around James, William gently pushed the kid towards the rear of the cave.
The young boy didn’t want to leave William behind to face the unknown threat alone, but he knew that he would only get in the scientist’s way if he stayed.
“Come on, Angie, hurry!” a voice called out, a young boy’s voice.
James recognized the voice.
“Riley?” he called out, earning a scowl from William.
“James?” Riley answered, surprised. “Aren’t you supposed to be dead?”
“Doctor Middleton saved me,” James explained.
“Kodos’ men are coming, Riley,” Angie reminded her cousin.
William couldn’t leave the two children to whatever fate Kodos’ men had planned for them. It just wasn’t in his nature.
“James, take Riley and Angie to the other end of the cave and wait for me there,” he ordered the young blonde. “Stay out of sight and be quiet.”
“What about you, Doctor Middleton?” Riley asked.
“I’m going to give Kodos’ men something else to worry about,” William explained, “now git!”
Captain’s Quarters, USS Enterprise; Present Day
John woke with a start at the sound of an alarm.
“Sorry,” James apologized, “I thought I had dismissed it.”
“Am I to be left alone in your quarters?” John asked.
James shook his head.
“Chapel’s going to escort you back to Sickbay while I’m on duty on the Bridge,” the captain informed him.
“Chapel?” John asked.
“Your great niece,” James explained unhelpfully.
John opened his mouth to growl at James, when he had another flashback.

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warning: language, +fanfiction, warning: slash, series: darkest memories, warning: spoilers, rating: r, media: star trek, warning: violence, media: doom

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