Title: Buttercup
Rating: PG-13
Media: Doom
Disclaimer: Doom doesn’t belong to me. Everything else is probably mine.
Summary: It’s John Grimm’s first mission with the RRTS.
Warnings: Language (the f-word is used once)
Author’s Notes: This is just a short random ficlet written during history class.
It was John Grimm’s first mission on the RRTS-the Rapid Response Tactical Squad. He didn’t even have a handle ID, he was that fresh out of boot camp.
“Grimm, Sarge, you take the right,” ordered Brad “Buttercup” Cowley, John’s commanding officer, a gruff man. “Pussy-cat, Radio, you take the left. Flash, you’re with me.”
“Aye, sir,” acknowledged John Grimm and his teammates in unison, before splitting up.
“Sarge?” John asked a few minutes later.
“Yeah?” Sarge queried.
“What fucking kind of handle ID is ‘Buttercup’?”
Sarge chuckled.
“Buttercup was the sole survivor of his first mission, Grimm,” the marine explained.
“Yeah, I know that,” John interjected.
“The only reason he managed to survive was because of a young girl, whose name was Buttercup,” Sarge continued, as if he hadn’t been interrupted.
John stared disbelievingly at the bigger man.
“I’m not making this up,” insisted Sarge. “The girl was a nurse or something.”
“Oh, so she managed to treat his injuries?”
Sarge nodded.
“Did he marry her?” Grimm asked, earning an amused snort from Sarge.