Index--Links, Fiction: Fanfiction--Star Trek III

Apr 20, 2011 20:54

Fiction: Fanfiction--Star Trek, continued
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Medical Fic
Title/Prompt: Bones has a nasty, nasty cold. Miles of snot, red eyes, sore throat, fever, aches, the works. And the usual remedies don't really work very well for him--maybe he's not so much allergic as just not very affected. Jim finds out Bones is a seriously terrible patient. He like throws his trays of food, yells at people, etc. Bones finds out Jim's actually really good at taking care of someone when he wants to be. He's even patient with the crankiness and grumping, he reads to him, he sponges him, bribes him to drink fluids, etc. Chapel finds out the two of them are ridiculously cute in this situation. And then there's sex, once Bones feels better.
Warnings: See prompt

Title/Prompt: Blind Rage
Warnings: Violence, Language

Title/Prompt: Perfect Birthday
Warnings: Slash

Title/Prompt: Kirk/McCoy, reboot. On an away mission, Kirk acquires a mysterious interstellar disease. He neglects to inform anyone, and McCoy doesn't find out until Kirk collapses on the bridge. Much doctorly h/c ensues. You decide the severity of the illness, from flu to plague, but the worse Kirk is, the longer it takes for him to get better

Prompt: Bones in the hospital with pink booties.
Warnings: Language

Title/Prompt: xenopolycythemia. no death fic
Warnings: Slash

Title/Prompt: Please, could I have a nice Bones washing Jim fic? Sex or no sex, I'm fine with. Just Bones cleaning Jim up after a really bad mission, Bones taking care of his Jim please.
Warnings: Slash, see prompt

Title/Prompt: The First Hit
Warnings: Mentions of Child abuse, Slash, Violence, Language

Title/Prompt: Midnight Watch
Warnings: Slash, Medical Ickiness

Title/Prompt: The Devil You Know
Warnings: Slash, Medical Stuff

Title/Prompt: Insomina
Warnings: Slash, Spoilers for Star Trek XI, Medical Stuff

Title/Prompt: 5 times Bones balked at (quite literally) getting a taste of his own medicine + 1 time he quite obediently took the drugs.
Warnings: Slash, Medical Stuff, Language

Title/Prompt: I'm having a bad day due to things that are completely out of my control, so I want to take it out on Bones. I want him to be angsty over a lousy day. Maybe a ton of people died and he couldn't do anything about it because he'd been petitioning to have the Enterprise help some colony/moon/planet/whatever but the admiralty didn't grant it. I don't want a magic fix because it's still not alright, but Jim shows up and at least he's not alone. Established relationship. Kissing and cuddling and holding but no sex please.
Warnings: See prompt

Title/Prompt: Barely Breathing
Warnings: Slash

Prompt: Finally almost crossed that line separating best friends to something more. Almost because it turns out I'm allergic to his aftershave. FML.
Warnings: Slash, Sexual Situations

Title/Prompt: Yellow Alert
Warnings: Slash, Language

Title/Prompt: If it feels good do it (even if you shouldn't)
Warnings: Slash, Language, Medical ickiness

Title/Prompt: The first time Jim realizes he might lose Bones.
Warnings: Slash, language

Title/Prompt: Bones is being bullied/abused/in some other way treated badly and is too scared to say anything. He may be a grump, but he's all marshmallowy inside, and his self-esteem is non-existent after the divorce from hell. When Jim finds out about it, he'll destroy whoever it is who's hurting his Bones.
Warnings: See prompt

Title/Prompt: McCoy comes down with a nasty cold during the honeymoon.
Warnings: Slash, Medical Ickiness

Crossovers and AUs
Title/Prompt: I do not read/write AUs or crossovers... but I have a mad burning for Reaper!Bones and Jim, where Reaper!Bones is deathly injured on a mission and 'miraculously' recovers and Jim is all O_O
Warnings: Slash, Language, Crossover (Doom)

Title/Prompt: I want Reaper!Bones where Jim doesn't know and then something happens to Bones where he gets amnesia that makes him forget Leonard McCoy.
Warnings: Slash, Language, Crossover (Doom)

Title/Prompt: Long Doom/Star Trek Crossover
Warnings: See prompt

Title/Prompt: McCoy has no idea that about his former lives (say he had an accident, lost his memory and all he can remember is his life as a doctor) but on an away mission things go wrong and he snaps. Suddenly, he's throughly kicking ass, all to save Jim and Spock and the rest of the away team.
Warnings: Crossover (Doom), Language

Title/Prompt: Reaper!McCoy isn't in Star Fleet. He's a doctor on earth when he hears that Star Fleet is headed to Mars. He makes his way there, in time to save Captain Jim Kirk's life and sparks fly.
Warnings: Crossover (Doom), AU, Language, Slash

Title/Prompt: I've read SO many Reaper!Bones fics where Reaper is a hit-man for hire between being Grimm & McCoy. Why on earth? He's meant to have turned into a C24 goodie because of being an inherently good person. Isn't assassination a bit out of character? ... I'd LOVE to read a fic where Reaper does something other than murder for a century, and where he does his best to keep his crew safe when they explore Olduvai.
Warnings: See prompt

Title/Prompt: HDMxStar Trek crossover
Warnings: Crossover (HDM), Slash, Language

Title/Prompt: Hand in Hand
Warnings: AU, Slash

Title/Prompt: Reaper!Jones Epic Songfic
Warnings: Crossover (Doom), slash, language

Title/Prompt: I'm the Reaper
Warnings: Crossover (Doom)

++fanfiction, media: star trek, media: hdm, +mod, media: doom, ++links, +index

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