Unplanned Camping Trip

Jan 06, 2011 08:53

Title: Unplanned Camping Trip
Rating: G
Disclaimer: 'Star Trek' belongs to Gene Roddenberry. Except for Erica. She's all mine.
Warnings: Alternative Universe (erica)
Summary: "This is Hox, not Pollux V, Captain."
Author's Notes: This was written while listening to the Star Trek XI sound track (not that you really needed to know that). And apparently, the events of 'Menagerie' (both parts) never happened in this 'verse...

Erica gasped as green blood poured out of the cup of what had just previously been water only moments earlier.
"Something wrong with the replicators, Mr. Spock?" the young girl asked hopefully.
The half-Vulcan shook his head.
"The replicators are functioning properly, Miss McCoy," he informed her. "Something else caused the replicated water to turn into blood."
"But what could possibly do that?" Erica demanded.
Spock shrugged.
"I don't know, Miss McCoy, and I'd rather not make any hypothesis as to potential causes just yet."
"In the meanwhile, what are we going to do about food and drinks while we await the return of the Enterprise?" Erica's uncle, Leonard H. McCoy, inquired.
"I'm sure Erica could show us how to survive off the land, Bones," Captain James T. Kirk observed.
"This is Hox, not Pollux V, Captain," Spock pointed out. "The flora is very different here."
"Not to mention the fauna," muttered McCoy.
"I'm sure we can manage with what we've got somehow," Erica said optimistically.
"I'm a doctor, not a botanist, Erica," McCoy reminded his niece.
"That's what tricorders are for, Uncle Leonard," quipped Erica.
McCoy glared at Kirk, who was trying--and for the most part, failing--to stifle his amused snickering at the young girl's quip.
Uhura to Kirk. Please respond, Captain.
"Lt. Uhura, what a lovely thing it is to hear your voice after all this time," Kirk said into his communicator. "And a most unexpected pleasure as well."
Well, you have Admiral Pike to thank for that, sir, the dark-skinned Communications officer replied.
"Remind me to send him a thank you card, Lt," Kirk remarked.
You're welcome, Captain, a male voice cut in, Admiral Christopher Pike.
"Admiral! Taken back my ship in my absence, have you?" Kirk inquired.
Only temporarily, Kirk, don't worry, Pike assured him. Four to beam up, I presume?
"You presume correctly, sir," Kirk replied.

series: erica, +fanfiction, media: star trek, warning: alternative universe, rating: g

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