Title: When in ROME...
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes x The NUMA Files/Kurt Austin Adventures
Characters: S. Holmes, K. Austin, J. Zavala
Table: Five
Prompt: #97. Writer's Choice (Ocean)
Word Count: 270 words
Rating: PG
Summary: "Because it's dangerous."
Author's Notes: Warnings, crossover (NUMA), alternative universe (modern). Can you spot the reference to Star Trek?
"I'm sorry, Mr. Holmes, but I can't allow you to accompany us on this dive," the broad-shouldered head of the National Underwater and Marine Agency's Special Assignments Team, Kurt Austin, informed the detective.
"Why not, Mr. Austin?" Holmes fiercely demanded.
"Because it's dangerous," Austin replied, his pristine sea-green eyes blazing with determination to destroy the man whose greed threatened millions of lives around the world, the man who currently held Doctor John Watson hostage--along with two of Austin's team--in his top secret underwater base.
"My best friend is down there, Mr. Austin," Holmes reminded him. "I can't just sit up here on your boat and do nothing while you risk your life to save him."
Austin thought for a moment, adjusting his rescue plan to give the detective something to do.
"Hey, Joe!" the broad-shouldered man suddenly called out to a nearby dark-haired Latino, who had been working on a submersible the size of a small child. "Do you think Mr. Holmes here can handle ROME?"
Joe Zavala looked over at Austin and Holmes, taking his gaze off of his latest design for NUMA, a remote-operated vehicle--or ROV--designed especially for the hostile environment of the sea floor, the Remote-Operated Marine Explorer. The marine engineer studied the detective for a moment before replying.
"He's not who I would rather have at the controls, but he'll do," he informed Austin.
"Show him how to operate ROME, Joe, while I brief Captain Janeway on the finer details of our rescue mission," Austin directed before leaving the detective and the marine engineer to their preparations.