
Sep 17, 2010 09:06

Title: Malika
Media: Star Trek: TOS
Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Gene Roddenberry. Erica McCoy is mine, however.
Rating: PG
Characters: OC's (Erica McCoy, Malika, Malika's mother)
Summary: Erica makes an unexpected alliance.
Warnings: Alternative Universe, References to Violence
Author's Notes: This is a glimpse into the world of Erica McCoy...

Erica looked up sharply at the sound of approaching footsteps. Seeing nothing, she reached out for the mind of the person approaching her with her own mind, a behavior that had become reflexive after only six months of depending entirely on herself for survival in the jungles of Pollux V following the brutal genocide of the Polluxian tribe her parents had been studying.
To her surprise, she encountered the mind of a female jaguarundi, the greatest predator on the planet, instead of the Carex warrior she was expecting.
But she was even more surprised at the image of men with spears--warriors of the Carex Tribe, Erica recognized them--, following the lead of another man--a healer, Erica recognized the Polluxian symbol for the healing arts embroidered on his clothes, though what a Healer was doing leading a hunt, she couldn't say--, that she found there in the jaguarundi's mind.
Suddenly the image was cut off from the girl, as the jaguarundi sensed her presence in its mind.
Help kit, Off-worlder.
The words were accompanied with an image of the jaguarundi hiding her young kit under a bush before running off to draw the warriors away from her kit.
Before Erica could question the jaguarundi--what the girl wouldn't give to have Dominga back in the land of the living, to tell her how to commune with a jaguarundi!--, the great feline was gone, out of range of Erica's mind.
But Erica was not alone, the jaguarundi kit was there, mewling for its mother.
Following the infant's cries, Erica was easily able to find the kit under a bush, right where its mother had told her the kit would be.
The human picked up the kit and gently cradled it in her arms.
"I fear you're on your own in this great big jungle, little kit," Erica informed the kit--a girl, she noted in the back of her mind.
"I fear that the mean warriors are gonna end up killing her," Erica said sadly, heading for the cave she now thought of as home. "But don't worry, I'll take care of you. We orphans have to stick together, don't you know?"
"We are parentless, family-less," Erica explained. "We are malika, those without a tribe."
"Call me Erica," the human replied. "And what should I call you?"
I no-name. Too young.
"Is it alright if I gave you a name?" Erica asked.
Not alright. Must chose own name, Erica.
"Oh, okay. What should I call you then?" Erica repeated.
I have no name until I name myself.
Erica gave up on coming up with a name for the jaguarundi kit for the time being.

series: erica, +fanfiction, media: star trek, warning: violence, rating: pg, warning: alternative universe

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