
May 28, 2010 08:55

Title: Addictions
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes
Characters: J. Watson, S. Holmes
Table: Five
Prompt: #29. Inject
Word Count: 322 words
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "I do hope that you are not planning on using that, Holmes."
Author's Notes: Warnings, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, implied slash.

"I do hope that you are not planning on using that, Holmes," remarked the doctor, referring to the Morroccan case that was lying on top of a stack of papers on the floor beside the prone detective.
"I'm well past the planning stage, Watson," slurred Holmes.
"Are you drunk?" Watson asked in surprise, as he hadn't been able to smell any sort of alcoholic spirit on his friend's breath.
"I figured you'd rather I be drunk than use the cocaine," Holmes observed.
Watson winced slightly at the grammatical error in Holmes' observation, but he didn't say anything about it.
Instead, he sighed.
"Was I wrong, Watson?" Holmes asked, oddly (to Watson, at least) concerned with pleasing the doctor.
Watson figured it was just the alcohol in his friend's system talking, and he was probably right.
"No, Holmes, you weren't wrong," Watson replied. "It's just that I'd rather you were completely sober more than anything."
"Being sober is entirely over-rated, Watson," Holmes promptly observed, his drunken slurring suddenly gone. "But I suppose I could try dealing with my black moods your way this time."
"Were you pretending to be drunk?!" exclaimed Watson as the detective got up off the floor.
"Obviously," Holmes smirked. "I had you fooled, did I not?"
"For the most part, yes, you did," Watson admitted. "But you were drinking, Holmes."
"Oh?" Holmes asked, sure that his friend was bluffing, unaware on a conscious level what his subconscious mind had already figured out--that any drug he used (or abused) would interfere with his powers of observation, no matter the method of delivery.
"You may not reek of alcohol, Holmes, but I can see the empty bottle of spirits under the chair beside you," Watson remarked.
If Holmes had been sober, he would have challenged Watson's claim by pointing out other, equally logical explanations for the glass bottle.
But that had been a gamble Watson had been willing to take.

+fanfiction, warning: slash, rating: pg-13, warning: drug/alcohol use, media: sherlock holmes

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