Like Uncle, Like Niece

May 20, 2010 20:25

Title: Like Uncle, Like Niece
Rating: G
Warnings: AU
Summary: "Well, the coffee's excellent today."
Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Gene Roddenberry. Erica McCoy is mine, however.
Author's Notes: I blame kcscribbler for this, and you should too (not that it's a bad thing). Just a random snapshot into an ST:TOS AU I'm working on. Also, I've only seen about five episode of ST:TOS in recent memory, so if there's any OOC-ness in this, that's why. FYI, Erica's empathic/telepathic. Move your cursor over any Vulcan word for a translation.

"Good morning, Uncle," Erica McCoy chirped cheerily as she entered Sickbay, where her uncle, Enterprise's Chief Medical Officer, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, had spent the entirety of the previous evening dealing with an anemic Vulcan (a side effect of having been a bit too close to an exploding console on the Bridge).
"What's so good about it?" the CMO growled.
"Well, the coffee's excellent today," Erica replied, holding out a mug to her uncle as she spoke.
"I thought we agreed that you weren't going to be drinking coffee until your 18th birthday?"
"Well, the Captain told me to bring you some coffee, since he didn't want you to miss out on it," she explained.
"And I expect he wants you to play messenger pigeon while the comms are down as well?" McCoy demanded.
"Well, I wanted to help fix the comms, but the Captain was too afraid of what you'd do if I got hurt," Erica explained.
"Did he actually say that or did you read his mind again?" McCoy asked.
The silence that greeted his question spoke volumes.
McCoy sighed.
"Erica, we've been over this a hundred times, you can't just read people's minds without permission," he lectured.
"But I couldn't help myself, Uncle," Erica objected.
"You need to learn how to, Erica, before you read the wrong mind."
"Your patient is about to head off to the Bridge," Erica announced.
McCoy groaned.
"You really need to stop doing that," he informed his niece before turning around to bellow at his Vulcan patient, "Get back in bed this instant, you green-blooded hobgoblin! You may be a Vulcan, but you're also my patient!"
"If your Rigolaya were in better control of her emotions, Doctor, then I would not have to leave Sickbay," Spock declared.
"I like how you refer to me in Vulcan, Mister Spock," Erica declared to no one in particular.
"Erica, why don't you be helpful and go tell the Captain that his First Officer has regained consciousness," McCoy ordered.
The girl muttered something under her breath before turning around and leaving Sickbay in a huff.
"Your disregard for anatomical limitations appears to be hereditary, Doctor," the Vulcan observed, his superior hearing allowing him to hear perfectly what McCoy's niece had muttered.

series: erica, +fanfiction, media: star trek, warning: alternative universe, rating: g

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