Graduation Day

Mar 10, 2010 10:11

Title: Graduation Day
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes
Characters: S. Holmes, J. Watson, E. Holmes (OC), A. Campbell (OC)
Table: Five
Prompt: #15. Adore
Word Count: 566 Words
Rating: PG
Summary: "Mister 'Olmes! Doctor Watson!"
Author's Notes: Warnings, AU (ehc, mhs), Adult Concepts

Watson sighed.
"Holmes, if you don't come out of there right now, we'll miss the train," he called.
"That's what I'm hoping to have happen," the detective admitted, sticking his head out of his room as he spoke.
"Holmes, you promised Elizabeth that you'd come to this play as a surprise for Mylock," Watson reminded him.
Holmes sighed.
He knew that his friend was right, he had promised Elizabeth that he would come to this play that her son, Mylock, was acting in, his first role in what promised to be an illustrious career as an actor.
A couple hours later, their train pulled into London.
As they stepped out of the train and onto the platform, a familiar voice bellowed, "Mister 'Olmes! Doctor Watson!"
"Ah, Campbell, how wonderful it is to see to see you alive and well," Watson said, embracing the former Irregular in a brief hug.
"Same ta yew, Doctor," Campbell replied. "Let me take those, Mister 'Olmes."
Holmes reluctantly allowed Campbell to take the bags.
"It's not 'cause yer older than yew used ta be, Mister 'Olmes," Campbell quickly explained.
"If it is not that, Campbell, what is it then?" Holmes asked.
"Elizabeth, Mister 'Olmes," Campbell admitted, as he led the way to the cab he'd had waiting for them. "She's fiercely protective o' yew, an' o' th' doctor as well."
"Still at Baker Street, I see," Holmes remarked after Campbell had given the cabbie the address of their destination.
"'Earing is as sharp as ever, I see," Campbell retorted.
Watson smirked.
"Are you really Campbell, or are you his wife?" he asked.
"Cor, Doctor," exclaimed Elizabeth, no longer mimicking her husband. "How'd you figure me out?"
"The comment on my hearing, I suppose," Holmes supplied.
Watson nodded.
"So, how long did it take you to figure me out, Sherlock?" Elizabeth asked. "Be honest now."
"When you slipped up and commented on my hearing," Holmes morosely admitted.
"Barring a loss of eyesight in the time since we last spoke, Sherlock, I guess I've finally graduated from your twisted school o' disguises an' crime fighting."
"His eyesight is as sharp as ever, Elizabeth," Watson supplied.
"Glad to hear it, Doctor," Elizabeth idly remarked.
"Elizabeth, you took that prostitution case," Holmes asked, though it was far from being an actual question.
"Prostitution case?" Watson asked, bewildered both by the sudden change in subject and by the new subject of conversation.
"I've been hired by a woman who believes her brother has been forced into prostitution," Elizabeth explained.
"Sounds straight forward enough to me," Watson remarked.
"Her client's brother was nearly sent to the gaols for deviancy, Watson," Holmes added.
"And apparently he was quite talented in such acts, at least that's what several of my informants have claimed," Elizabeth blithely observed.
Watson had long since adjusted to the carefree way both Elizabeth and Holmes tended to treat such sensitive subjects as sexual intercourse, so he did not even flinch at his friend's daughter's display of such knowledge.
"Well, I've got several promising leads on her brother's whereabouts already, Sherlock, so never you mind about me," Elizabeth remarked as the cab came to a stop in front of the flat Watson and Holmes had shared for many years. "Now, as we have arrived, can we not speak of the matter anymore?"
"For now, Elizabeth, but I have more to say to you about this case," Holmes replied.

+fanfiction, rating: pg, series: mhs, series: ehc, warning: adult concepts, media: sherlock holmes, warning: alternative universe

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