"What Shall We Do Tomorrow?" by thesmallhobbit

May 20, 2012 18:23

Title: What Shall We Do Tomorrow?
Author: thesmallhobbit
Word count: 100
Prompt: What Shall We Do Tomorrow
Pairings/characters: Sherlock/John
Rating: PG
Genres: humour
Summary John and Sherlock are in discussion

“We should clean the fridge.  It’s a health hazard; the mould has taken on a life of its own.”


“We should return the files you ‘borrowed’ from NSY before Lestrade sends Donovan round to collect them.”


“We should sort out with Mycroft when we are all going to tea with your mother.”

“Very boring.”

“We should buy Mrs Hudson some flowers to apologies for dropping the goldfish on her when she was coming upstairs.”

“Boring.  Oh, all right.”

“We should take Molly out to lunch otherwise she will never let you back inside her lab.”

“If we must.”

rating: pg, genre: friendship, character: john watson, pairing: holmes/watson, prompt: what should we do, genre: humor, character: sherlock holmes

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