Why do all good things come to an end?

Aug 13, 2007 21:18

Ok soo...I don't even know where to begin. I'm finally home and I don't know what to do with myself. I hate this transition period. My last week spent in NYC was bittersweet. I was more than ready to go back to VA, but ridiculously sad to say goodbye to my life and friends in NY. I never thought I would actually fall in love with the city, but I guess I was fortunate enough to have met some amazing people who made my experience what it was.

Everything last week went by 10 million times faster than it usually does. It was market week so all the Macy's buyers from all over the US came to meet up with vendors, so I didn't spend much time in the office. I was out to market most of Tues, Wed and Thursday. I saw some of the most prettiest dresses I've seen in my life, and it made me wish that I were rich so that I could buy them all. haha Never again will I look at dresses in the same way. On Tuesday after we presented our final projects then some of us went to the main floor to see Sarah Jessica Parker who was at Macy's promoting her new perfume. But it was too fricken crowded to get a good glimpse of her, so I left to meet up with my buyers at market. When we came back, we were waiting for the elevators...and guess who walks out? Sarah Jessica Parker! haha All of us were mad cheezin and she walks by, smiles, and says "Hi." CRAZY I KNOW.

On Thursday, the whole dresses division surprised me and another dress dept intern with goodbye breakfast. =] It felt nice that they actually acknowledged all the work we did, and that we were really a part of the team and not just some lowly interns.

That night, Macy's treated us out to dinner at Heartland Brewery and then we took a trip to the top of the Empire State building. Afterwords some of us decided to go to Blockheads for the very last time this summer. Oh blockheads...how I'm going to miss our happy hour Thursdays there. On a side note, it's funny how things change when you put things in perspective. sigh Friday I woke up early to buy some flowers for my buyers. Saying goodbye to them was sad. Unlike a lot of the other interns, I was lucky enough to be assigned to an awesome buying team. I think I would have hated my job if it weren't for them. We had a final breakfast with all the interns Friday morning and we said our goodbyes to those who were leaving that evening to go home. After work I had lunch with liz and jared, then todd met up with us and we all did some shopping back at Macy's. That night Jennifer paid me a surprise visit and so she came out with me and liz to meet up with some of the few interns that were still in the city. Unfortunately we weren't able to get into the club since Jcam wasn't 21, so we decided to go to Haru say goodbye to our favorite bartender. As usual he hooked us up with some saweet drinks and we went home.

Saturday I woke up early and picked up my computer, went home, went back to Macy's to exchange something, went to Forever21, and then met up with liz at one of the corner cafes. Liz and I then went to Alfangi salon where we got our makeup done, a manicure, and a massage to use the rest of our promotion package thing. I've never gotten a massage before in my life. Let me tell you...it's awkward. haha I mean it was nice, but yeah it's not something I'd do on a regular basis unless it was really cheap. After Alfangi, we met up with Nasty at Starbucks so we could say goodbye. Then we had dinner with Liz's parents in Korea town. Liz's cousin and friend was visiting so we decided to take them to Asian Pub. After we met up with Nelson and some of the brag interns for some karaoke. I don't even know how long we stayed at the place but it was sooooo much fun. I have to say, it was the BEST way to end my stay in NY for numerous reasons. =]

Now I'm home and it feels weird. I'm happy to be able to finally relax, but it just feels different. I don't think I could ever really describe how great of an experience this summer has been. I ended the school year disappointed about a lot of things and not knowing what I wanted to do with my life. As cheezy as it sounds, I've definitely learned a lot more about myself. I made some amazing new friendships, and strengthened one that I already had. (Liz I wouldn't have survived w/o you! Bridesmaid material!) So all in all, this summer just reaffirmed to me that God seriously does everything for a reason. =] And now I'm looking forward to living up my 4th year at UVA. BE READY!

Ok if you sat down and read this whole thing, cheers to you. Sorry if this was a total bore. haha
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