Mar 29, 2005 20:05
heyy heyyy, gOoOd lOoOkin!
whats going on?!?!? well i got a couple of mins b4 i start on this project.. so ill waste time and update bout today...
hmm..1st period was alright.. i 4got what we did lOl..
nO 2nd.. ThAnk tHe lOrd...
3rd: haha bout the funnest class ever! mrs stroud for 3 hours! wo0oot w0o0ot.. well of cource i ate for the 1st 1/2... then haha me britt and j.BeNNeT turned on the radio! haha i <3 these gurlz!! and Sharon :)!!!!! hahaha we wrapped and everything for mrs.stroud! hahaha oooooo ddanng... "MY ANADACONDA DONT WANT NONE" .. that song will never b thought of the same haha i <3 yOu ladiezz.. and then i bout had a <3 attack when my song came on :) "lOvers and friends" so haha of cource we were singin and wrappin that @ the top of our lungs :) "iN tHe bAtH tUb rUbbAh dUbbIn" and the whole time mrs stroud's givin us this look 'stupid white gurls' hahaha.. i <3 her... so we danced and all that funn stuff the entire period :) wOw...
4th: it was funn.. me and cOr had our tlk.. and then tlked with nat and shuty.. <3 these kidOz!
5th: it was alright.
6th: lOl <3 this class to0o0o..
practice was alright :-/ ... all of us werent n the best mo0od... but GaMe 2morow!!! :)
haha and after prac. went to eat @ Golden Corral with Brett and my g-mama for our chem. project! hahaha we got to eat everything and had to get pics with those.. yya interestin lOl...
well im o0o0o0ouuuttt!!!
((cOr- haha thankx for the talkz...BFFl! go0od luck with that fella :) ))
((pOrKy- I LOVE YOU!!!! haha ur awesome miranda!!! thankx for the sign :) ))
((JESSICA BENNET:BRITT KERLIK- hahaha i <3 yOu laddiez!!!!!! WWAAAYYY to much fun! lOlOl... wOw... and Britt we wont listen to that song ne more :-/ we dont need em'!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<3 all of yAll!!
wo0o0o0ot w0o0o0o0ot!!!
Spring break.. gona b pretty awesome!!! just chillen with some friends :)