Mar 14, 2005 17:59
Sometimes things get really hard and so confusing.. well i learned through so much all you gota do is keep ur head up.. everytime u begin to worry say a prayer to God.. and depend on your BFF's for all the support they can give you... :) "If you want a rainbow.. you gota endure the rain" <-- haha so0o0o lame but i <3 it..
usually when you lose a friend.. its got something to do with fighting,drama, them not having enough repsect for you... mines the opposite.. i lOst one b/c one of the closests people to me had SO much respect for me... in ur life.. you're going to let people down... but with mistakes and lets down. u cant regret ne thing.. b/c u learn from it all...its up to the person for them to forgive you.. you cant make them.. just give it time.. if u hand that relationship to God.. He'll make whats suppose to happen.. happen.... take every opportunity you can to fix it.. but you just cant rush it.. Usually if the person cares enough itll all go good... iDk..
the thing that hit me is.. Lifes too short to be mad @ anyone.. im not saying people dont do stuff that you should b mad about.... but just be quick to forgive... that might mean changing how close yall are.. but dont take for granted those that realy care... God brings people into your life for a reason.. learn from them and find out why.. FORGIVE YOURE EXES.. haha wow thats a biggie @ North... they might have done some pretty lOw crap but.. you learned from it right? tell u one thing.. dont ever regret being with some one.. b/c "Never regret something that once made you smile :)" and.. after every break up you learn somethin new and ways to realize stuff for your next relationship.. and your exes cant b that bad of people.. YOU PICKED EM in the 1st place lOl.. so iDk.. ive always been big on tryin to b friends.. but hey w/e.. do what you can...
and gezz theres beeen sooo many fights with friends and stuff lately.. anytime that happens.. i guess we should think "is what we;re fighting over worth losing everything over?" high school you're going to find out who your true friends are and the ones that are always going to be there for you.. dont take them for granted...
and aahhh i think all of us gurls need to stop worrying about these FeLLas hahah.. i <3 you dUdes.. but yall cause so much drama.. im not even wantin a "relationship" right now.. i <3 the concept of dating.. gives u a chnace to know someone(s) w/o all the commitment nvolved.. and hey that might act. save yourself from <3ache.. b/c durin that time u get to know if he's the k/o guy u wanan "go" with.. iDk that whole concept is new to me ((haha)) but its awesome..
ahh so many of my friends r doin this "new" me.. and its freaken awesome idea.. just think about everything youd want to fix and improve about youself.. Fix relationships, better relationship with God... i wanna work on my character.. and gosh darn i need to buckle down on my grades.. haha they suck.. and a goal for me is i have a bet with shuty ill have a 6pack by the end of the year.. CRAP better get started on that haha aint lookin to good :-/.. ahh im ready 2 get on that plan :).. BrANd nEw mE... better attitude towards everything.. and haha i most def. dont have a problem with SERIOULSY anyone.. so its allll go0o0o0o0od...
Gods really blessed me with some amazing friends..
too many to name.. but i <3 the heck out fo you!!!!!!
jAymE bAby- im srry about all of that.. things r so diff with us right now.. but ill get us back to normal some how haha... great times over the past 2 years :)... I LOVE JESUS... III MMEEEELLLLLTTTTTTT.. got something on ur face and loads more.. <3 you kidO!
//857\\ yoU say it wont.. but ill prove it some how that it will.. <3 yOu
shout out 2 four ladies: gUTz cOr nAt dAy: yAll are freaken amazing.. and i <3 yAll sooo much! BFFL!
MATTHEW: i know youve been goin thru some rough times.. keep that head up babe.. im so0o00o glad we're such good friends.. haha i think i tell u everything?!?! awesome!.. well u know i <3 you and am ALWAYS here for you!!! thankx for everything!!!!
i <3 yAll :)
haha o00o and i LOVE my soccer ladies.. aaaalllllll of yall!!!!! :) haha yall r just the best!!!! HOLlabACk!
xOxO hOllllllllz*